Have your players ever come across a campsite that looks empty? Where could the original owner have gone? Use this list to generate one hundred different items that you may find when looking through an abandoned campsite.

1A pair of polished leather boots.
2A clothesline that's been hung up between two trees.
3A cast iron frying pan next to an old campfire.
4A Will ‘o Wisp caught in a glass jar trying to get free.
5A dirty, roughed-up picture of a happy family.
6A small cask of ale.
7A wooden box filled with loose tea leaves.
8A banner from a country you don’t recognize.
91d4 wine bottles. One of them has not been opened yet.
10A deer hide half way through being tanned.
11A small dutch oven buried in the coals of the campfire, filled with chopped potatoes, butter, onions, and spices. It's perfectly cooked and still hot.
12A +1 Elven Shortbow.
13A wooden crate filled with 1d10 rations.
14A Potion of Healing.
15A bundle of twigs, some string, a needle, and a half-made basket.
16A massive stew bubbling on the fire.
17A miniature painted target hanging from a tree. A few arrows are sticking out of it.
18A semi-tamed wolf.
19A blanket made out of rat skins sewn together.
20An unusual pattern of burn marks in the grass.
21A basket full of mushrooms next to two mushroom piles. A Herbalists Guide opened to the 'Deadly Mushrooms' is open not far away.
22A single leather boot that looks like it has been clawed by a large animal.
23A large fishing net.
24A beautifully carved pipe and a small bag of pipeweed.
25A leather-bound notebook, containing journal entries that talk about a lost treasure.
26A holy symbol dedicated to a forest deity.
27A wooden Huntsmen Bow (+2 to hit against animals).
28An iron shovel leaning up against a tree.
29A glass jar containing harvested spider eggs.
30A leather satchel containing small bones.
31A copper compass with a cracked glass housing.
32A large bear pelt.
33A 50’ coil of hempen rope.
34A small tin mirror and a shaving kit. A cloth with blood stains right next to it.
35A well-worn iron short sword.
36A collection of wanted posters.
371d4 bundles of herbs, hung up to dry out.
38A leather-bound diary with bird drawings in it.
39A small leather sack filled with feathers.
40A small makeshift shrine to a lesser known god of the forest.
41A cloth tent that has been ripped to shreds.
42A green dragon scale wrapped in a cloth.
431d4 bundles of firewood.
441d4 iron throwing daggers.
45An empty iron bird cage.
46An iron lantern hanging from a tree with two hours of oil left.
47A beautifully crafted leather horse saddle. It looks brand new.
48A small pile of deer antlers.
49A hammock strewn between trees.
50A collection of rare seeds.
51A wooden cart filled with various animal skins and hides.
52A gallon of lamp oil.
53A small makeshift table made from loose boards. On top of the table is a small pile of parchment, an inkwell, and a quill pen.
54A strange coin with an unknown face on it.
55A fire starting kit.
56A small wooden box containing 1d4 vials of anti-poison.
57A map of the area sketched on a loose piece of parchment.
58An ornate tent from a very far away land.
59A vague map drawn in the dirt with a stick.
60An ornate Dwarven beer stein.
61The shed snakeskin from a giant snake.
62A deck of Tarot cards.
63A sprite hiding behind a log and watching the party.
64A large, flat rock with dried blood covering it.
65A small book containing drawings of various animal traps.
66An ivory comb with some of the teeth missing.
67A deck of playing cards.
68A bundle of 1d20 arrows.
691d4 fish skewered and stuck into the ground near a fire pit.
70A worn stone mortar and pestle.
71A steel bear trap.
72A trip wire that surrounds the camp, connected to a cluster of tin cans tied to a tree.
73A wooden box filled with torches.
74A jar filled with various levels of multi-colored dirt.
75A leather pouch filled with 2d20 gold pieces.
76A boar roasting on an open flame.
77A group of crudely-made iron animal cages.
78A large, well-worn leather backpack with hidden compartments.
79A hidden stash of illegal alcohol.
80A fishing pole with 1d10 fishing hooks.
81An iron helmet being used as a soup bowl.
82A well-used set of gaming dice.
83A small collection of whittled wooden figurines.
84A pile of well-worn adventurer’s clothing.
85A pair of climbing boots.
86A small collection of different sized glass bottles.
87A vial filled with a pheromone that attracts a certain type of animal.
88A silver dwarven beard trimmer.
89A crate full of nets.
90A two-person tent.
91A hunting dog tied to a nearby tree.
92A well-used woodcutting axe with a personalized handle.
93A draft horse tied to a nearby hitch.
94A well-crafted lute with beautiful pearl inlays.
95A well-used whetstone.
96A small notebook with notes on which local plants are and aren't safe to eat.
97A wagon with two nearby oxen who've been disconnected from their harness. They are currently grazing nearby.
98A pile of rocks someone has been collecting for an unknown purpose.
99A few human teeth in among the campfire ashes.
100A bundle of rare mushrooms.

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