Author: osrvault

Larry Elmore is an iconic figure in the tabletop gaming realm. Hailing from Grayson County, Kentucky, Elmore has left a defining mark on the fantasy and science fiction art scene for over four decades. His extraordinary talent has graced the covers of numerous Dungeons & Dragons, AD&D, and Star Frontiers books, among others, captivating the imaginations of gamers and readers alike. Perhaps most notable is Elmore’s artistic contributions to the Dragonlance series. Beyond Dragonlance, he has worked on illustrations for many industry giants, such as TSR Inc, FASA, Mayfair Games, Games Designer’s Workshop, and White Wolf, to name a few.…

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Session 1: Lashed To The Slave Stick Shahr Alsahwa 1, 2522 (The Month of Awakening) Tizenket – Level 1 Huntress, Female Human Ulrich – Level 1 Cataphract, Male Human Karsas – Level 1 Barbarian, Male Human Eliza – Level 1 Witch, Female Human The relentless sun beats down upon your weary forms, its scorching rays painting the vast expanse of desert in hues of shimmering heat. You find yourselves bound, shackled, and at the mercy of your captors—ogres, towering behemoths whose cruel laughter echoes across the barren landscape. You remember little of how you came to be here, save for…

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You are ready for your first assignment in the Thieves’ Guild. What will it be? Use this list to generate one hundred mini adventures that a thieves’ guild might give your players.

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You’ve found yourself within a library, but not just any library: a magical bastion of knowledge collected from all corners of space and time. Use this list to generate one hundred different sites and wonders you might encounter within an infinite magical library.

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Goblins are a small race of goblinoids that often live in underground caverns near the surface. Goblins are well known for their short tempers and poor hygiene. They travel in large numbers and terrorize the forests and small woodland villages. They are an elusive and nimble race that often keep interesting treasures they find on their persons to keep them safe. Use this table to generate extra loot that a goblin might have on them.

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You hear the sound of a hammer forging a blade against an iron anvil and the smell of the forge fills your nostrils. The blacksmith must be nearby! Use this table to generate one hundred different items that you could find lying around a blacksmith’s workshop.

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Tomb raiders and treasure hunters like to leave their marks wherever they go. Sometimes they want to warn others of the dangers ahead, sometimes they want to gloat, and sometimes they want to trick the players. Use this table to generate some graffiti on the walls of your tombs, crypts, and ruins.

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