Author: osrvault
One hundred different rumors (or potential plot hooks!) that the players can hear from the villagers in town.
Factions play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of a fantasy realm. Creating your own factions from scratch can be a daunting task, but this d100 list of one hundred motivations (fifty good, fifty evil) for factions can serve as a valuable resource to kickstart the creation process.
One hundred wonderous trinkets for your players to find in random locations within your fantasy world. Many of these trinkets could be great plot hooks for a creative dungeon master!
Did your players touch an evil alter? A cursed magic item? The list contains one hundred magical curses that can be bestowed upon an unsuspecting player.
This list contains one hundred different scenarios that your players see going on around them as they are walking through the streets of an established settlement. Even mundane encounters such as these give your players a sense that things are going on around them, making your world feel more alive. Most of these can be used as quest hook, too.
One hundred interesting things that a goblin might find special.
Generate hundreds of different mushrooms and their effects at the click of a button!
Delve into the depths and discover these one hundred different harmless creature that call this dungeon their home.
You need more than just monsters and treasure in your crypt, right? Use this list to fill your crypt with little odds and ends to give it some more character. Who knows, some of these items might even help your players out of a jam!
Exploring an ancient tomb can’t be all bones and stone, right? Use this list to generate a number of interesting objects that your players can find while exploring a musty old crypt. These items range from the mundane to possible quest hooks, and everything in between.